Permanent marker
Permanent marker is used for various scenes, such as paper, walls or concrete.
Permanent marker nibs are required to have stable ink flow and durability.
General material: Fiber (Acrylic, Polyester) Felt, Plastic
Metallic marker
Waterbased marker is widely seen at different uses. From our wide range of product lineup, we can offer you the best nib option for your inks.
General material: Fiber (Polyester, Nylon) Plastic
Whiteboard marker
Whiteboard marker is chosen by offices and schools these days. Main requirements for nibs are to achive a bold line width and high ink flow.
General material: Fiber (Polyester,Acrylic)
Mainly used on paper. Soft and smooth writing feel is the key for a clean marking.
General material: Fiber (Polyester,Nylon) Polythelene Sinter
Brush marker
For coloring, hobby and even professional art uses. Brush or chisel nibs are mostly popular, requiring elasticity and restoring force.
General material: Fiber (Polyester,Nylon) Plastic, PBT brush, Polyurethane Porous
Paint marker
Water-based paint marker is usually for a POP display, glass, black board or even art use while permanent ink type is mainly chosen for industrial use. Due to a large pigment size in paint marker inks, nibs are designed with high porosity.
General material: Fiber (Polyester,Acrylic) Felt, Plastic
Drawing marker
From daily use to professional art work.
Fine line width and durability are always the key.
General material: Fiber (Polyester), Plastic
Ink feeder
Controls a suitable ink flow for free ink system markers or water-based ball point pens. From our various options, you can find the best solution for your inks.
General material: Fiber (Polyester,Acrylic), Plastic

We have 3 kinds of fibers such as Polyester, Acrylic and Nylon. We have various kind of resin. The combination of fiber and resin are more than 3,000.

The felt nib is produced by punching out of plate shaped felt. It is suitable for large size nib which using for painting large area, industrial application, and high durability required applications

The plastic nib is suitable for applications with thin line width. The plastic nib is adjustable writing feeling and ink flow by choosing appropriate cross section pattern.
PBT brush

The PBT brush is possible to draw various line width by writing pressure and possible to draw character with the condition of outline being blurred intentionally. The writing feeling is very soft and easy to back to original shape.
The primary use of PBT brush is art brush marker.
Polythelene Sinter

The primary use of polythelen sinter nib is highlighter marker.
The polythelene sinter nib is produced by sintering from fine powder. It has smoother writing feeling comparing synthetic fiber nib.
It has a high flexibility of design since it is produced by a mold.
Polyurethane Porous

The polyurethane porous nib has very soft elastic characteristic. The primary use is art brush.